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Dental Care Is Vital To Your Pet’s Health
Dental disease is the #1 illness affecting pets. Read here for some tips on dental care.
LVVSC Enrolling Dogs in Nationwide Lymphoma Clinical Trial
The Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center is currently enrolling cases in a nationwide clinical trial to evaluate a monoclonal antibody (AT-005) that is conditionally licensed by the USDA to aid in the treatment of dogs with lymphoma. The study is designed to assess the benefit of adding AT-005 to a multi-agent chemotherapy protocol for dogs with intermediate to high grade T-cell lymphoma. Trial Summary An estimated 48 client-owned dogs will be enrolled in this study. All enrolled dogs will receive multiagent chemotherapy (CHOP protocol), which will be supplemented by either placebo or the monoclonal antibody. Dogs will be randomized equally
Tracheal Collapse: What Can Be Done?
Tracheal collapse is a progressive disease primarily affecting toy breed dogs that results from early-onset degeneration of the tracheal ring cartilage. The trachea, or “windpipe” is made up of a series of “C”-shaped cartilage rings with a membrane (the trachealis muscle) that connects the ends of the “C”. Degeneration of the cartilage rings that comprise the trachea results loss of tracheal ring rigidity. The loss of rigidity present in affected rings, combined with stretching of the trachealis muscle, leads to flattening of the tracheal lumen (its opening), mechanical airway obstruction, and ultimately the classic “goose honk” cough and/or respiratory noise
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