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Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs – An Aggressive Blood Vessel Cancer

Every pet parent dreads “The Big C” for their fur babies. Cancer strikes fear in the hearts and minds of pet-owning families. As a board-certified critical care specialist, one of the most common cancers I diagnose and treat is called hemangiosarcoma. I wanted to dedicate some time explaining this cancer, as some encouraging news about a novel treatment was recently released. Happy reading! Hemangiosarcoma – What is it? Hemangiosarcoma is a cancer of endothelial cells, the cells that line blood vessels. We don’t currently know what causes some dogs to develop this cancer. Multiple studies have tried to shed more

Aspiration Pneumonia in Pets – Going Down the Wrong Pipe!

Oxygen is unquestionably required for life. Without our lungs, oxygen can’t get into the bloodstream to be transported to cells throughout the body. Sometimes inappropriate bodily fluids end up in the lungs because they were inhaled (aspirated) into the airway. The resulting lung inflammation and infection is called aspiration pneumonia. This week I share some information about this potentially deadly disease. I hope you find it share worthy with other pet parents. Happy reading! Aspiration Pneumonia – What is it? The lungs have multiple lobes with numerous branches. This arborization ultimately leads to alveoli, grape-like sacs where oxygen and carbon

5 Things to Watch Out For If Your Pet Has A Heart Murmur

From the moment your pet is diagnosed with a heart murmur, you’ll probably consider the worst. However, for most pets that have a heart murmur there is no deteriorating heart health problems. In most cases, it does not affect your pet’s quality of life or how long they lives. The prognosis is therefore not for the murmur but for the underlying condition that is causing the heart murmur. This can vary according to the severity of the issue. A heart murmur is an abnormal sound a veterinarian hears when they listen to your pet’s heart with a stethoscope. The sound

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