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LVVSC in the News

Cutting-edge veterinary procedures now rival human medicine. And local pet owners are paying thousands of dollars to extend their animal’s life. Dog trainer Denise Krame-Cole witnessed a pet owner’s worst nightmare with her Doberman, Sierra. “A Jeep SUV was coming and, boom! She rolled under the axle three times of the vehicle,” Krame-Cole said. “It was pretty bad. The sound of it was like a train wreck.” She had the option to say goodbye to Sierra at just 3 years old. “Her hip became dislocated out of the hip socket and actually cracked,” she says. “It would be a very

LVVSC Oncology in Las Vegas Sun

Gunner knows the drill. The stocky, yellow Labrador retriever sits on his hind legs, tail flopping, as a veterinarian technician inserts a needle into his neck to draw blood. An assistant holds Gunner’s snout, but it’s almost unnecessary. Gunner barely wiggles. In remission from cancer, the 12-year-old dog is regularly brought to the Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center for chemotherapy and, more recently, checkups to make sure his cancer hasn’t returned.

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